Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't feed poison to your skin.

I thought about posting this on shofar but decided that it was a little too "topic-y" for the news.Plus, the article is older than a mug.

This article by this New York Times op-ed author talks about the toxicity in many cosmetics and personal care products.

Then I found about The Campaign For Safe Cosmetics.This site has a lot of info, including a searchable database of companies who have signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics. In order to meet the requirements for the compact, companies have to:

1. Comply with the EU Cosmetics Directive.
2. Disclose all ingredients.
3. Publish and regularly update product information in EWG's Skin Deep database.
4. Comply with ingredient prohibitions and restrictions under the Compact for Safe Cosmetics and substitute ingredients of concern with safer alternatives.
5. Substantiate the safety of all products and ingredients with publicly available data.
6. Participate in the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

There is a more in-depth explanation of everything on the site. Those of you who want to avoid poison absorption via skin, check it out.

I may try to find local retailers of some of these products. But hey, there's always Whole Foods. They're not necessarily guaranteed to be free of green washing, but it's a start.

In the realm of lotion, I personally have become a fan of straight-up coconut oil. It's solid until emulsified which makes it easy to apply (unless your house if hot, then it starts to morph into chunky liquid which gets messy). Can't beat pure plant.

I am the type that needs emotional motivation and like-minded community to affect personal change usually, as opposed to people who are astonishingly able to act purely on principle (e.g. raw foods diet- I was strong when I was doing it with friends and had the excitement and passion. Now I've slacked off big time due to lack of discipline. Ah! The guilt! Repentance is coming...). I say this to say, if anyone is interested in digging more into this with me, feel free to lend your support and involvement.


Tom and Leah said...

As a non-make-up wearer my biggest concern is moisturizer. Are you telling me you use coconut oil on your face? I really want something that has UV protection, other than that I'm not too particular. I've heard parabins are really bad for us, so if you have something to recommend I'd love to try it. Or I can check out Whole Foods myself. Good post, Kait.

Kait said...

actually, i did try using it on my face for a while because this other lady i knew was doing it. you're right, it was too heavy for me.

whole foods stocks a brand called earth science that has aloe and almond oil that i really liked and was not too heavy. i also liked that it didn't have any religious connotations in the product name or packaging, which is sort of hard to find when you're looking for natural products, as you probably know.


Kait said...

oh, and i'm assuming i am responding to leah's comment and not tom's, although i bet tom doesn't wear make-up either.
