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sam told me about him. i love the tunes and this art, now, just as much as the tunes. |
Praise the L-rd, He provided for me to audit an Adobe Dreamweaver class for free shortly after I was pricing the classes on my own. He is the networker of networkers! So, 8 hours a day for today and the next 2 days will be spend learning this web design software. What an amazing world web design is. i have new-found appreciation for the many sites i frequent on a daily basis.
If i were a professional web designer making an average industry rate, i could theoretically make in 1-2 days what i now make in 2 weeks. The ideal of the liberal arts degree is at this moment looking just that: ideal. The older i get, the more bills i have to pay, the more of a capitalist i become.
“Any 20 year-old who isn't a liberal doesn't have a heart, and any 40 year-old who isn't a conservative doesn't have a brain.” -Winston Churchill
Can one break the curse on humankind having to work for a living? Then i could remain a liberal idealist libertarian advocate of a theocratic republic and sleep 8 hours a night.
curse of work!?!?!?
work is awesome!
i like to quote that churchill comment also. great minds think alike
Love that picture. Reminds me of tissue-paper art, in a grown-up-yet still childlike way!
Can't quite wrap my understanding around what exactly you want to be... But I love it when you use big words :)
And I'm so amazed you are really doing that class! Praise the Lord for making it free!!??!! I need to hear the story. And I'm wondering if I'll ever get to do something similar...
Jeremy- Genesis 3: 17-19
And to Adam he said, "Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, 'You shall not eat of it,' cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; 18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Tom- or do great minds think for themselves? :) just kidding. that's a favorite quote of mine.
mountain girl :)---- you're giving me a crafty itch.
steph- i like you.
kait- he cursed the ground not work. :) work is avodah, one of the highest forms of worship! a way to bring Gd's redemption to the earth! when i first heard this it helped alleviate some of the frustration i had when things at work got hard.
also, how do i get an email when someone posts?
Right. So, the curse was that he would have to work the ground and eat by the sweat of his brow. It wouldn't just spring up effortlessly as it did in Eden before the fall. It is true that work was part of the curse. Sabbath is supposed to be a picture of eternity, a high holy day, pointing towards the eventual perpetual sabbath when the tree of life is planted in Jerusalem again.
I have heard the "work is worship" slogan a lot, and I think it's definitely true and helpful in the shaping of the attitude while working, like you said. Could you tell me the source on that? Is that Biblical, or rabbinic tradition?
P.S. Check the "Email follow-up comments" box when you comment. :)
its amazing how many things you can see until someone points it out! thanks for the email info!
Avodah is something rabbi said.
there are days i think work really really sucks yet i can't not relent. Sabbath is a taste of heaven yes, but as you know heaven is not some pie in the sky featuring chubby angels playing golden harps on clouds. heaven is a place we can use the talents we have grown on earth to further Gd's kingdome!
and just because sabbath is a taste of heaven doens't mean the rest of the days are a taste of hell... (i know im being a little harsh here) im exaggerating the point. litterally the earth was cursed not work, maybe we will have to ask someone about the actual hebrew text?
in conclusion. the other six days are also given by Gd. we are given the opportunity to make something good. Gd creates with his words and by his words has given us the chance to create with our actions.
thats supposed to be "its amazing how many things you CAN'T see..." :)
Curse of pain, toil, sweat in work was the curse. Work was not the curse. I guess I should have phrased it differently.
I did not mean that lack of any kind of activity whatsoever=sabbath. And I didn't say anything about fat angels or pies in the sky.
Take me to the text, bro.
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