Friday, June 10, 2011

Up-and-Coming Irish Folk and Polka Fusion Band


Dillon said...

We're gonna be big some day. Also, this is the first time I noticed the subtitle to your blog. "Not to be misunderestimated." Very clever!

Carlye said...

why can't I see it? :( I tried logging into my facebook acct. to access it, but it said it had been removed due to privacy. do I need to friend you first?

(sorry to use the comment box to troubleshoot!)

-J- said...

i am also shooting troubles with said comment box.

id like to see the video! it sounds so exciting!

Kait said...

I don't know what to do. It works on mine?

I don't have a facebook, but I accessed the video through the page of where I work.

Dillon- can you post the video somewhere else too?

Dillon said...

I posted it on my facebook, but maybe you have to be friends with Logan to view it, since it's not a youtube video.
