Monday, June 13, 2011

He's Never Giving Up

[another nod to big cass' big project...don't give up, lil' cassio keyboard! ->

I found out about these people a while back from John Mark McMillan's blog. I first watched the "Sing Winter" and thought it was extra beautiful and a neat husband/wife combo.

I was listening to "Never Giving Up" the other day at work while I was closing. I was glad I was alone because I had an unexpected tearful encounter with the Father. At one point, a lady singer broke out and said "You're breaking off the disappointment of the season." Having been particularly disappointed at the season in which I find myself, I could feel the disappointment breaking in the light of the L-rd, in light of His promise never to leave- to never give up on me, on all of us who call on His name. I feel like I may be gaining some ground in the battle against disappointment, discouragement and discontent, one I've felt I've been losing for a while now. It seems like it's been challenge after curveball after confusing twist...but His love never stops and never quits, even if I don't see Him, feel Him, understand Him...
Jesus keeps asking me if I will follow Him. I'm trying to say yes. But to what?

I also highly recommend the "Abba" video. What an amazing space to play in! "Abba, I belong to you..."

It just seems like their music is really intimately worshipful and helps the L-rd speak to my heart, and me to speak to His. Maybe it's just me, where I am now...

...but hopefully it does the same for you too. :)


Carlye said...

Mmmm. I was checked in my spirit when you were talking about His light breaking in. I will be praying for you, as I pray for myself, to receive that promise and grab hold of it. To say yes, daily.

I haven't listened to the music or watched the video yet, but I commit to do so once the kiddos are in bed! ;)

Lauren Blake said...

now this is so really good stuff, it might be the best I have heard since Jason Upton and Sam. The truth is it reminds me of both of them put together. thanks for reccomendation kait and cass. while listening that same song and the same part hit me pretty hard. I had not read your blog entry yet I just push play on the video while I was making breakfast.

Kait said...

He is totally an Upton VanBuskirk hybrid, Lauren! haha

I saw on their website that they are having a worship conference this weekend in North Carolina. If only it had been a little earlier, we could have stopped in on our way to Baltimore!

I'm feeling the need for another music event at Merriam marketplace again...who's with me?

Jessica said...

This is good. I like these finds.

And I can say a true amen of agreement to the battle of being in the midst of a season of disappointment. Cling to hope. Wake up with a "yes" in your heart and on your lips. May our sometimes mundane-feeling days still be an aroma to Him!

I also wanted to share a new, Christian artist I have been listening to: and his album can be downloaded for free at Enjoy!
